Available operators:
+ - * / % ** ^ Functions: ln() e() lg() pow(,) sqrt() sin() cos() tan() asin() acos() atan() fact() Constants: pi Variables (result of previous calcualtion, inital value=0): r Define own variables in front of the formula (note the semicolon): A=2.3; 1/(2+A) Example: (3 + 5) * 2.3 Example: 2^3 + 2 Example with variables: L=4.7E-3;C=10E-9; 1/(2*pi*sqrt(L*C)) X=3;X^2+2*X note that you must write 2*X, 2X would be invalid javascript. Example: 12E-2 * 3 Example: sin(pi/2) |
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Usage: Type your equation into the green/yellow box and press the calculate button. You can hover with the mouse cursor over the functions to get an explantion as to what they do. You can use the result of the previous calculation in the next one by refering to it via the variable "r". Example: First you calculate 32/16 this results in 2 now you can enter sqrt(r) to calculate sqrt(2).